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Agrorus is an example of consolidation of business and government around the agro-industrial complex

The opening ceremony of the 32nd International Agro-Industrial Exhibition Agrorus-2023 took place in EXPOFORUM on August 30.

Alexander Drozdenko, Governor of the Leningrad Region, was the first to speak.

“The agro-industry of the Leningrad region is developing year by year and attracting new investments in production. Eighteen agreements worth more than 11 billion rubles were signed at the exhibition. This is a direct investment in agricultural development for the next three years. I am grateful to all those who work on the land and those who support them. On the part of the Government of the Leningrad Region, we will continue to provide all possible assistance to agriculture, so that our agro-industry would surprise the guests of Agrorus again and again,” said Drozdenko.

St. Petersburg Vice-Governor Stanislav Kazarin noted the city’s contribution to the food processing industry.

“St. Petersburg is one of the largest consumers of agricultural products and a major processing Centre. I am grateful to the Leningrad region that at the Agrorus exhibition, the two regions can jointly solve agro-industrial problems to ensure food security. Now in St. Petersburg more than 70 large and medium-sized companies and about 100 small enterprises are engaged in processing. We are ready to further assist in providing the food market with local goods,” Kazarin said.

Oleg Nilov, First Deputy of the Russian State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, congratulated everyone on the opening of the exhibition and noted that in addition to the Army and Navy, Russia has two more allies – the military-industrial and agro-industrial complex.

State Duma deputy Sergey Yakhnyuk noted that Russia exported more than 60 million tons of grain in 2022 and 2023. This is a victory of domestic agrarians, who provide grain and fodder not only for the whole country, but also for friendly states.

Vasily Ryzhkov, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Agro-Industrial and Fishery Complex, assured that the well-being and development of the agro-industrial complex is one of the key tasks of the Region’s Legislative Assembly.

Sergey Voronkov, General Director of ExpoForum International, spoke at the end.

“Agrorus is an excellent example of consolidation of efforts of the government, business, science, and agrarian sector around the tasks the domestic agro-industrial complex is facing. This is the reason for our success in agriculture and agrarian industry. More than 300 companies from 22 regions of Russia and 4 countries are present at the exhibition. There are 7 collective expositions. The congress program includes more than 30 events,” Voronkov said.

Agrorus-2023 exhibition takes place from August 30 to September 1. Free shuttle buses run from Moskovskaya Metro Station to EXPOFORUM.

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