Event news

Convenient embankments and shores of water bodies, comfortable environment — the future city will be demonstrated at the EXPOFORUM

How to turn dull gray yards into blooming gardens, and coastal areas - into interactive locations for family recreation, will be explained by participants of the special project “Urban Environment: Ecology. Comfort. Transformation” at the Forum “The Big City Ecology.”

Supported by the Saint Petersburg Improvement Committee and the Competence Center for Formation of Comfortable Urban Environment, the discussion session “Formation of Comfortable Urban Environment in Coastal Areas, Embankments and Water Bodies” will take place. Participants from Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan and other cities of the country will present their best implemented projects, share their experience in designing and operating completed facilities.

Experts will exchange views on building efficient interdepartmental communications in solving problems of construction and operation of public spaces in coastal areas and embankments, discuss the need for additional legislative and regulatory documents, the financial component and other topical issues related to implementation of landscaping facilities.

At the exhibition part of this special project, Russian companies will demonstrate the latest developments in the field of improvement of residential and public spaces: modernized playgrounds and sports grounds with necessary outdoor equipment, utility equipment, coating for pedestrian and bike paths, landscape solutions, small architectural forms, deicing materials of new generation, etc., which will contribute to improving citizens’ living conditions, sanitary and aesthetic conditions of urban areas.

Among the novelties of 2023, there are the TW 171 game complex (the interactive playground for children, made of larch wood, stainless steel and polymers), the multifunctional municipal construction machine “Mitrax,” which is capable of performing over 100 types of operation, modern containers for municipal solid waste from the leading Russian manufacturer.

Ecology of Big City Forum will be held at the ExpoForum Business Convention and Exhibition Centre on March 22–24.

Кадры в судостроительной отрасли обсудят на Морском Конгрессе во Владивостоке
В рамках конгресса, 30 мая, состоится стратегическая сессия «Кадры в судостроении и судоходстве: государственная политика и региональный аспект», модератором которой выступит проректор по дополнительному образованию Дальневосточного федерального университета Михаил Кривопал.
From carriage to rocket!
The 34th «Oldtimer Gallery», Russia’s largest exhibition of vintage cars and antiques, has opened at EXPOFORUM on April 12, Cosmonautics Day, not by chance! The theme of space runs like a red thread through the exposition of the past, filled with hundreds of amazing exhibits.
The spring «Dogs’ City» waits for guests at EXPOFORUM!
More than 400 breeds, including the rarest, 2,000 four-legged pets and megatons of positive emotions: on April 13, the Exhibition «Dogs’ City» opens at EXPOFORUM.

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