Event news

Brother of man – Adygesh horse presented at Hipposphere

A special guest of the Hipposphere Exhibition, the Shyu Khase Society of Circassian Horsemen, presented the Adygesh, Kabardian horse breed, the pride of its region and one of the oldest indigenous breeds of riding and draft horses.

A special guest of the Hipposphere Exhibition, the Shyu Khase Society of Circassian Horsemen, presented the Adygesh, Kabardian horse breed, the pride of its region and one of the oldest indigenous breeds of riding and draft horses.

In Circassian language, the words “horse” and “brother” (shyi) sound consonant; it shows the attitude of Adygs (Circassians) to horses. Outstanding physical strength and endurance allow horses of this breed to withstand the conditions of mountainous terrain.

The Kabardian breed was represented by a joint delegation, including three horses from Adygea and three from Karachay-Cherkessia, one from the Krasnodar Krai and two from Kabardino-Balkaria.

Riders in vivid national costumes and sheepskin papakhas, which have long become a trademark of the whole Caucasus, made a spectacular presentation of the breed on the big arena of the Exhibition. The audience enjoyed national dances with daggers and a demonstration of masterpieces of weapon craft.

The Kabardian horse breed is one of the oldest officially registered breeds in Russia; back in the 16th century, it came to Moscow under the name of “Circassian” horses and made a great contribution to the history of the country and the world.

In 2021, stallion Nalmes from the Koshekhablsky district of Adygea became vice-champion of the Hipposphere 2021 exhibition.

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