Event news

Hussar stories told in a new way

The annual participant of the International Equestrian Exhibition Hipposphere – the Bagmut Center of Cossack trick riding in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region – presented Hussar Stories, a new program of equestrian theatrical performance with elements of trick riding.

Hussar honor, military valor, the charm of fair ladies, operetta and humor! Horse tricks and stunts on horseback included! Is it a real story or just fables told by a retired officer?

“Our Hussar story is based on the real biography of Nadezhda Durova, one of the first female officers in the Russian army, a hero of the War of 1812. The show involves about 20 people, including 7 children from 5 to 12 years old,” said Igor Shumaev, the show’s director.

The main participants of the show are Russian and Orlov trotters, Kabardian and Hanoverian horses.

The show “Hussar Stories” takes place in the large arena of the Hipposphere Exhibition every day. Detailed program of the Hipposphere 2023 exhibition.

Кадры в судостроительной отрасли обсудят на Морском Конгрессе во Владивостоке
В рамках конгресса, 30 мая, состоится стратегическая сессия «Кадры в судостроении и судоходстве: государственная политика и региональный аспект», модератором которой выступит проректор по дополнительному образованию Дальневосточного федерального университета Михаил Кривопал.
From carriage to rocket!
The 34th «Oldtimer Gallery», Russia’s largest exhibition of vintage cars and antiques, has opened at EXPOFORUM on April 12, Cosmonautics Day, not by chance! The theme of space runs like a red thread through the exposition of the past, filled with hundreds of amazing exhibits.
The spring «Dogs’ City» waits for guests at EXPOFORUM!
More than 400 breeds, including the rarest, 2,000 four-legged pets and megatons of positive emotions: on April 13, the Exhibition «Dogs’ City» opens at EXPOFORUM.

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