Event news

Crisis Is the Time for Opportunities

These words of Ivan Fomenko, Director for Innovations of Laser Centre LLC, can be used to describe the online conference “Operations of Enterprises in the Context of a New Reality” that took place on October 13 as a support event of the Russian Industrialist Forum.

Speaker noted in his presentation: ‘Despite careful strategies of our clients, strong companies that had taken an active position in that moment instead of waiting around emerged victorious from a difficult situation. We started using webinars as a tool, updated our website and strategies of communication with customers to make information more available and easier to understand. Aside from the marketing element there was one of product diversification.’

Vladimir Antonov, Executive Director of Chetra LLC, told about positive trends in the industry and operations of the enterprise in the context of pandemic: ‘Of all the countries across the world it was only Russia and South Korea that worked in our industry, so we haven’t faced any problems. This year the volume of output and the market share continue growing. I’d like to note positive influence of exchange rate this year. Our product is significantly localized; it was designed in the Russian Federation, it’s made of Russian components. Undoubtedly, we have some import components where the influence of exchange rate was negative. In spring we arranged events to repress inflation elements thus promising suppliers sufficient volumes at a price that was favourable for us and holding manufacturing costs. It was a guarantee of reliability. Bulldozers are used in a wide segment; we’ve found a beneficial industry – gold-mining industry. We also shifted to online promotion developing a commodity distribution network, making warehouses and services across continents. The greatest contribution was made by the government and the state. Besides, we buy companies for which it has not been all roses if we see some potential there. They have brought their products, we have adapted them and released into the internal market. There is a window of opportunities for mergers and acquisitions, and attraction of foreign technological partners for products made in Russia to appear.’

Roman Romanyuk, Director for External and Corporate Communications of Svetlana PJSC, announced novelties of the company. A compact X-ray apparatus was made based on an X-ray tube; also production of innovative devices for interoperable irradiation of cancerous tumours was launched. Another relevant direction is making biochemical microfluidic chips for analysers that identify viral and other forms.

Irina Spitsina, Director for Development of Avangard OJSC, shared stories of successful communication with competitors and creation of a joint product.

The presentation of Olga Friyuk, Chief Expert of Corporation for Development of Sevastopol JSC, was focused on making the Heraclides Industrial Park, availability of private investment venues and investment cases, as well as consulting, financial and legal services provided by the company.

The event took place with the assistance of Saint Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Saint Petersburg. Sponsor of the event is Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company). Broadcasting of the event is available on the portal Sobytiye Online. The 24th Russian Industrialist International Forum will take place on November 18–20 in pavilion F of the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Кадры в судостроительной отрасли обсудят на Морском Конгрессе во Владивостоке
В рамках конгресса, 30 мая, состоится стратегическая сессия «Кадры в судостроении и судоходстве: государственная политика и региональный аспект», модератором которой выступит проректор по дополнительному образованию Дальневосточного федерального университета Михаил Кривопал.
From carriage to rocket!
The 34th «Oldtimer Gallery», Russia’s largest exhibition of vintage cars and antiques, has opened at EXPOFORUM on April 12, Cosmonautics Day, not by chance! The theme of space runs like a red thread through the exposition of the past, filled with hundreds of amazing exhibits.
The spring «Dogs’ City» waits for guests at EXPOFORUM!
More than 400 breeds, including the rarest, 2,000 four-legged pets and megatons of positive emotions: on April 13, the Exhibition «Dogs’ City» opens at EXPOFORUM.

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