Event news

St. Petersburg’s best gardeners receive awards at Agrorus

St. Petersburg’s best gardeners receive awards at Agrorus

An awarding ceremony for the winners of the “Best Balcony of the Year”, “Best Chairman of the Year” and “Gardener of the Year” took place on the main stage of the exhibition.

There was also a conference on topical issues of horticulture and gardening, which was attended by the head of the Department for the development of horticulture and gardening Andrey Lyakh, chairman of the Public Council Roman Petrov, representative of the Department of Agro-Industrial Complex and Nature Management of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan Lilia Sabitova, chairman of the association of gardeners of Tukaevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan Dmitry Volkov. In the future, close cooperation between the representatives of the Republic and St. Petersburg is planned in order to exchange experience in the sphere of horticulture and gardening.

The 32nd International Agro-Industrial Exhibition Agrorus-2023 takes place from August 30 to September 1. The Leningrad Region Farmers’ Fair and Agrorus fair will last until September 3. These days free shuttle buses run to EXPOFORUM from Moskovskaya metro station starting from 9:00 every 20 minutes.

Кадры в судостроительной отрасли обсудят на Морском Конгрессе во Владивостоке
В рамках конгресса, 30 мая, состоится стратегическая сессия «Кадры в судостроении и судоходстве: государственная политика и региональный аспект», модератором которой выступит проректор по дополнительному образованию Дальневосточного федерального университета Михаил Кривопал.
From carriage to rocket!
The 34th «Oldtimer Gallery», Russia’s largest exhibition of vintage cars and antiques, has opened at EXPOFORUM on April 12, Cosmonautics Day, not by chance! The theme of space runs like a red thread through the exposition of the past, filled with hundreds of amazing exhibits.
The spring «Dogs’ City» waits for guests at EXPOFORUM!
More than 400 breeds, including the rarest, 2,000 four-legged pets and megatons of positive emotions: on April 13, the Exhibition «Dogs’ City» opens at EXPOFORUM.

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