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The volume of agricultural production in the Leningrad Region in the first half of the year exceeded 60 billion rubles

On August 30, at the 32nd International Agro-Industrial Exhibition Agrorus-2023, the Governor of Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko was introduced to the achievements of the agrarians of the 47th region.

The Governor toured the exposition of all 18 districts of the Leningrad Region together with Oleg Malashchenko, Deputy Chairman of the Government, Head of the Committee for Agro-Industrial and Fishery Complex. Representatives of agricultural enterprises, farms and homesteads offered the guests their own products to taste and told about the latest achievements. The tasting was accompanied by colorful performances of creative collectives.

At the stand of the Vyborg district, Drozdenko cooked a steak of Vyborg trout. The fishing industry is one of the most dynamically developing areas in the region.

The entire dairy industry of the country takes Priozersky district as a benchmark. The 47th region is the all-Russian leader in milk production, and Priozersky District is unrivaled in the Leningrad Region in terms of both raw milk and dairy products.

Kirovsky district is home to the Severnaya poultry farm, which produces more poultry meat and eggs than any other enterprise in the country.

Gatchina district is famous for its cheeses. It is not by chance that they are building a cheese plant here. The construction agreement was just signed at Agrorus. Alexander Drozdenko highly appreciated the skills of regional cheese makers. According to the governor, Leningrad cheeses are not only the most delicious in Russia, but also surpass European cheeses.

After the tour of the exposition, the Head of the Leningrad Region talked to journalists.

“The agricultural production index for the first 7 months of 2023 amounted to 102.1%, the volume of production exceeded 60 billion rubles.

At the exhibition we showcase not only the achievements of producers and processors, but also the highlights of rural development – roads, infrastructure, transportation – and the development of farming, horticulture. Today our main task is no longer to increase production volumes, but to present our products on the market. We have to make sure that our products are delicious, high quality, and produced in the volume to satisfy all consumers,” said Drozdenko.

At Agrorus, Drozdenko also signed a cooperation agreement on rural development with the chairman of the Russian Union of Rural Youth Dmitry Pekurovsky, and visited a farmer’s fair in the open area of EXPOFORUM, an exhibition of agricultural machinery and equipment of the Leningrad Region Veterinary Department, where he handed over the keys to 20 specialized cars to units of the state veterinary service.

“Leningrad Region today is the best region in the North-West in terms of veterinary welfare. It is important for us to counter all diseases in the agro-industrial complex, and, therefore, we will continue to provide our state veterinary service with modern equipment and technologies,” said the governor.

The 32nd International Agro-Industrial Exhibition Agrorus-2023 takes place from August 30 to September 1. The Leningrad Region Farmers’ Fair and Agrorus fair will last until September 3. These days free shuttle buses run to EXPOFORUM from Moskovskaya metro station starting from 9:00 every 20 minutes.

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