Event news

Six investment agreements signed at Expoforum

One cannot imagine a modern exhibition without an extensive convention section to unite different actors from any number of industries. The business program of the 29th AGRORUS international exhibition and trade fair is no different.

In all, six investment agreements were signed at this event for a total of 7 billion rubles between leading agricultural and technological companies. This comes as no surprise, since only Leningrad Oblast’s agricultural and industrial complex has seen growth rates of 3.5%, and produced goods worth 74.5 billion rubles since the beginning of 2020.

Four agreements were signed by the Committee for the Agricultural and Fishery Complex of Leningrad Oblast, headed by the committee’s deputy chairman, Oleg Malaschenko. The first document represents a chance for Leningrad Oblast’s agricultural manufacturers to modernize their dairy and milking equipment, as the Swedish company DeLaval is offering farmers a discount of 15% on purchases of automated milking systems.

In addition to this, BROD Owner-Operated Farm LLC will increase its production volumes of fruit and berries by 4,500 tons per year, by expanding its intensive fruit garden up to 300 hectares in Luzhsky District. The cost of the project will be 200 million rubles, and its plans include creating at least 25 new jobs.

A new project by “Fruit and Berry” Agricultural Production Company LLC will increase their production volumes of fruit and berries by 300 tons by planting an intensive fruit garden of 60 hectares in Luzhsky District. The cost of the project will be 45 million rubles, and its plans include creating at least 25 new jobs.

The project by the Oredezhsky Stud Farm to create a livestock breeding complex for dairy in the Luzhsky District of Leningrad Oblast with 2,400 head of Holstein cows. It will contain a whole complex of dairy farm buildings: areas for milking stands, calves, a carousel milking hall, a feeding room and a manure removal system. The capacity of this complex will be 19,000 tons of milk per year, the cost will be 800 million rubles, and it will create at least 20 new jobs.

Furthermore, another two agreements were signed without the involvement of the Administration of Leningrad Oblast. The Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM, Pervomaisky Stud Farm JSC and Lomonosovskaya Construction Company LLC concluded an agreement on cooperation to implement the infrastructural elements of a large international project aiming to “implement an environmentally safe agricultural system as a basis for sustainable development of rural border areas” in Leningrad Oblast. The same agreement will see a system for design and technological solutions and the development of infrastructure for treating manure implemented in the ecosystem of Leningrad Oblast to improve the environment of rural areas.

Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM and the pig-breeding complex Idavang Agro LLC agreed to cooperate to bring about the WATERDRIVE project under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2014–2020 program, which will make it possible to increase the efficiency of manure treatment and to reduce the biogenous load on the water bodies of Leningrad Oblast. This will allow Leningrad Oblast to raise the sustainability of its rural areas by increasing the fertility of the soil and reducing the biogenous load from agricultural land on bodies of water.

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