Event news

Hydrogen Energetics: Forward to the Future!

On October 8, in the framework of the business webinar “The Current Analysis and Projected Growth of the Hydrogen Energetics Market” experts discussed the most urgent topics of the industry.

 The energy market goes on growing – favorably and successfully. A significant role was played by the global trend for a transition to low carbon economy. In Europe and Asia there are already countries that develop hydrogen energetics. And, unsurprisingly, they strive to be leaders in this industry. So, to keep a leading position in the global energy space Russia needs to respond to the main changes in time, follow the idea of increased export potential of hydrogen, as well as to use all the benefits such as available sources of production capacities and closeness to possible consumers.

During the session professionals addressed several areas. Yury Stankevich, Deputy Chair of the Committee for Energy Politics and Energy Efficiency under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), served as a moderator. The first part of the Conference was dedicated to the economy of energy transition, in particular, to global hydrogen energetics, opportunities for development in Russia, key tendencies and the plan for 2024, including hydrogen strategies of EU countries, Asia and USA.

The discussion was attended by Vladimir Litvinenko, Rector of the St. Petersburg Mining University; Kirill Molodtsov, Aide to the Chief of Staff, Presidential Executive Office; Kilian Crone, Head of the DENA International Cooperation Group for Hydrogen and Energetics; Denis Deryushkin, Head of the Directorate, FEC Analytical Centre under the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation; Dmitry Kholkin, Director of the Energynet Infrastructural Centre; Alexei Zhikharev, Director of the Russia Renewable Energy Development Association/Partner of VYGON Consulting; Roman Samsonov, Vice President of the Russian Gas Society; Yury Melnikov, Senior Analyst of the Energy Centre, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO; Vitaly Ermakov, Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies, HSE; Vladimir Sidorovich, Director of the New Energetics Information and Analytical Centre (RenEn.ru).

Key topics of the second part were technological drivers and innovations of hydrogen energetics. Professionals raised the following issues in their discussion: financing of pilot projects and commercialization of inventions, international technological cooperation in the context of restrictions, new technologies, promising designs and personnel training, regulatory framework and technical regulation of the innovation market.
A list of participants included Fedor Kamenev, Leading Consultant of the Department for Machine Tool Engineering and Investment Mechanic Engineering, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation; Mikhail Korobitsyn, Technical Director of Shell Russia; Anton Moskvin, Vice President for Marketing and Business Development, Rosatom Overseas JSC; Yury Dobrovolsky, Head of the Competence Centre of the National Technology Initiative for Technologies of New and Mobile Energy Sources, FSBIS Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS; Florian Willershausen, Director of Creon Capital, Managing Company of Creon Energy Fund (Luxemburg); Dmitry Chugunov, Consultant of the Energy Centre, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO; Mikhail Yulkin, CEO of ANO
Environmental Investment Centre.

Organizer: National Oil and Gas Forum

Co-Organizers: NEFTEGAZ Exhibition and EXPOCENTRE JSC.

Partners: Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company), Saint Petersburg International Gas Forum.

The webinar took place with the assistance of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, the RSPP Committee for Energy Politics and Energy Efficiency, the Russian Geographical Society and Petroleum Advisory Forum (PAF).

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